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Electronic Rough Rice (CBOT)
Contract Sym Prev  Open  High  Low  Last Trade  Chg  Settle  Last Update
ROUGH RICE  Nov 24 @RR4X  15090  15070  15095  15035  15090  15090  8:01P Oct 21
ROUGH RICE  Jan 25 @RR5F  15115  15130  15140  15130  15140  25  15115  8:01P Oct 21
ROUGH RICE  Mar 25 @RR5H  15280        15255  15280  1:15P Oct 21
ROUGH RICE  May 25 @RR5K  15500        15760  15500  1:15P Oct 21
ROUGH RICE  Jul 25 @RR5N  15665          15665  1:15P Oct 21
ROUGH RICE  Sep 25 @RR5U  14305        14300  14305  1:15P Oct 21
ROUGH RICE  Nov 25 @RR5X  14060          14060  1:15P Oct 21
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Exchange:  CBOT
Last Trade:  15090
Bid:  15075
Ask:  15105
Today's High:  15095
Today's Low:  15035
Volume:  1,798
Open:  15070
Settle:  15090
Prev:  15090
Contract High: 
Contract Low: 
Updated:  Oct-21-2024
Delay Time:  10 Minutes

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Posted at Monday, October 21, 2024 10:39AM CDT
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